[2023-2020] OSAMA / « Élaboration d’un modèle optimal du système de sécurité humaine dans la zone arctique de la Fédération de Russie »

Porteur du projet :
Sébastien Gadal

OSAMA [2020-2023]

ContratFondation maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) & Russian Science Foundation (RSF)

Contrats de recherche financés

OSAMA / Élaboration d’un modèle optimal du système de sécurité humaine dans la zone arctique de la Fédération de Russie

Programme de recherche porté par Sébastien Gadal (Aix-Marseille Université, UMR 7300 ESPACE) et co-porté par Maria Lagutina (Saint-Petersburg State University – SPbU)

Objectifs du projet

La pertinence de l’étude tient, d’une part, au fait qu’à ce stade, le développement intégré de la zone arctique de la Fédération de Russie (AZRF) est un domaine prioritaire de la stratégie nationale russe. D’autre part, si nous examinons la situation réelle au sein du AZRF, il n’existe toujours pas de système global de sécurité humaine dans la région, qui devrait servir de base au développement durable de l’Arctique russe. Cette macro-région est confrontée à de nouveaux défis et menaces pour la sécurité humaine qui n’ont pas encore été mis en évidence par les autorités et la société dans son ensemble. La pertinence du thème de recherche est conditionnée aussi par le fait qu’elle est rarement étudiée en Russie et à l’étranger. L’objectif principal du projet de recherche est de créer un modèle optimal du système de sécurité humaine dans l’AZRF. Il abordera un certain nombre de problèmes fondamentaux d’importance scientifique, théorique et appliquée, ainsi que de nouveauté scientifique :

  • Les participants au projet ont l’intention de générer leur propre modèle du concept de « sécurité humaine », basée sur une approche globale et interdisciplinaire associant sciences politiques, géographie et géomatique.
  • Pour la première fois en Russie, le projet démontrera comment le concept de « sécurité humaine » s’applique à l’AZRF et comment il peut être utile pour le développement d’une stratégie de développement durable pour l’Arctique russe.
  • Le résultat de ce projet sera de créer un modèle optimal de système de sécurité humaine dans l’AZRF.
  • Cette étude vise à créer un indice de sécurité humaine dans le cadre de l’AZRF, qui est également unique par sa nature.
  • L’intérêt scientifique du projet proposé réside également dans l’utilisation d’un éventail de méthodes originales de sciences sociales sur une base interdisciplinaire, plus particulièrement la télédétection spatiale, la géomatique et l’analyse spatiale.


  • Rapport de recherche

Sébastien Gadal. Élaboration d’un modèle optimal du système de sécurité humaine dans la zone arctique de la Fédération de Russie. [Rapport de recherche] UMR 7300 ESPACE, CNRS ; Aix-Marseille Université ; Fondation de la maison des sciences de l’Homme. 2022. ⟨hal-03795766⟩

  • Publications

Sébastien Gadal, Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov, Jūratė Kamičaitytė. Territorialisation, Urbanisation, and Economic Development in the Russian Arctic: Energy Issues. Valery I. Salygin. Energy of the Russian Arctic. Ideals and Realities, Springer Nature Singapore, pp.441-458, 2022, 978-981-19-2816-1. ⟨10.1007/978-981-19-2817-8_23⟩. ⟨hal-03736971⟩

Maria Lagutina, Natalia Eremina, Sébastien Gadal. European Arctic Policy: Interests of the Non-Arctic States and the EU. Egor V. Pak; Artem I. Krivtsov; Natalia S. Zagrebelnaya. The Handbook of the Arctic, Springer Nature Singapore, pp.1-26, 2022, 978-981-16-9249-9. ⟨10.1007/978-981-16-9250-5_5-1⟩. ⟨hal-03818430⟩

Valentina Ignatyeva, Sébastien Gadal. Renewable Energy in the Russian Arctic: Energy Transition and Opportunities in the Context of Post-pandemic Realities. Valery I. Salygin. Energy of the Russian Arctic, Springer Nature Singapore, pp.411-424, 2022, 978-981-19-2816-1. ⟨10.1007/978-981-19-2817-8_21⟩. ⟨hal-03736972⟩

Sébastien Gadal, Moisei Zakharov, Antonina Savvinova. Проблемы и вызовы развития арктического туризма в Якутии . Государственное управление и развитие России: глобальные тренды и национальные перспективы, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, May 2022, Moscow, Russia. ⟨hal-03673012

Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov, Sébastien Gadal, Yuri Danilov. Региональные особенности пространственной организации мерзлотных ландшафтов хребта Орулган. География и краеведение в якутии и сопредельных территориях сибири и дальнего востока (Geography and Local History in Yakutia and the Territories of Siberia Far East), North-Eastern Federal University, Mar 2022, Yakutsk, Russia. ⟨hal-03622248⟩

Kirill Obutov, Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov, Sébastien Gadal, Antonina Savvinova. Изменение земельного покрова и его прогнозирование, на территориях традиционного землепользования эвенков южной Якутии по данным дистанционного зондирования. География и краеведение в якутии и сопредельных территориях сибири и дальнего востока (Geography and Local History in Yakutia and Neighboring Territories of Far East Siberia ), North-Eastern Federal University, Mar 2022, Yakutsk, Russia. ⟨hal-03622243⟩

Sergei Strijhak, Victor Gergel, Aleksandr Ivanov, Sébastien Gadal. On the Problem of Choosing the Optimal Parameters for the Wind Farm in the Arctic Town of Tiksi. Balandin D., Barkalov K., Gergel V., Meyerov I. Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies, Springer, pp.361-375, 2021, 978-3-030-78758-5. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-78759-2_30⟩. ⟨hal-03274909⟩

Sébastien Gadal, Valentina Ignatyeva. Альтернативные источники энергии как составляющая устойчивого развития Арктических регионов: (Alternative energy sources as part of sustainable development in the Arctic regions). Государственное управление и развитие России: Национальные цели. Арктические регионы России. Роль национальных проектов в формировании устойчивого развития, 1, Издательский дом « Научная библиотека », pp.732-742, 2020, 978-5-907242-27-2. ⟨hal-02546447⟩

Sébastien Gadal, Moisei Zakharov. Fundamental Issues in Geospatial Training for Arctic Environmental Management. An Example of Franco-Russian Cooperation: Фундаментальные вопросы обучения геопространственным методам управления окружающей средой Арктики. Пример франко-российского сотрудничества. Social and Labour sphere of the Arctic: Problems and Solutions, RANEPA, May 2021, Moscow, Russia. ⟨hal-03247181⟩

Sébastien Gadal. Energy issues and territorial development of the Arctic. U-Arctic 20 years Anniversary Seminar, University of Lapland, Sep 2021, Rovaniemi, Finland. ⟨hal-03429290⟩

Gao Tianming, Nikolai Bobylev, Sébastien Gadal, Maria Lagutina, Alexander Sergunin, et al.. Planning for Sustainability: An Emerging Blue Economy in Russia’s Coastal Arctic? Sustainability, MDPI, 2021, 13 (9), pp.4957. ⟨10.3390/su13094957⟩. ⟨hal-03211208v2⟩

Nikolai Bobylev, Sébastien Gadal. Environmental security via sustainable development goals: Localization in the Arctic Region. EUGEO 2021, 8th Congress on the Geography of Europe, Charles University, Jun 2021, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.87. ⟨hal-03275086⟩

Valentina Ignatyeva, Sébastien Gadal. Adapting to new realities: Renewable energies and a low carbon future for the Russian Arctic in the aftermath of COVID-19. EUGEO 2021, 8th Congress on the Geography of Europe, Charles University, Jun 2021, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.337. ⟨hal-03275059⟩

Sébastien Gadal, Moisei Ivanovich Zakharov. A joint French-Russian approach on the issues of human security and adaptation of global warming in the Russian Siberian Arctic. Example of permafrost, risk exposure, and urban development in Yakutia. 9th Russian-Chinese Academic Meeting on the Arctic issues, Saint-Petersburg State University; Ocean University of China, Dec 2020, Online, Russia. ⟨hal-03038133⟩

Nikolai Bobylev, Sébastien Gadal, Alexander Sergunin, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen. Corporate social and environmental responsibilities in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: theoretical and methodological approaches. Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North / Корпоративное управление и инновационное развитие экономики Севера, Syktyvkar State University, 2021, 1 (1), pp.15-21. ⟨10.34130/2070-4992-2021-1-1-15⟩. ⟨hal-03480714⟩

Sébastien Gadal. Territorial development in the Arctic zone of North-East Russia Example of Verkhoyansky ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Территориальное развитие в Арктической зоне Северо-Востока России. Пример Верхоянского улуса Республики Саха (Якутия). Государственное управление и развитие России: глобальные угрозы и структурные изменения: Особенности социальной сферы Арктики: состояние, развитие, управление, RANEPA, May 2020, Online streaming, Russia. ⟨hal-02616815⟩

Nikolai Bobylev, Sébastien Gadal, Valery Konyshev, Maria Lagutina, Alexander Sergunin. Building Urban Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Russian Arctic Cities. Weather, Climate, and Society, American Meteorological Society, 2021, 13 (4), pp.875-884. ⟨10.1175/WCAS-D-21-0004.1⟩. ⟨hal-03313126⟩

Nikolai Bobylev, Sébastien Gadal, Viktar Kireyeu, Alexander Sergunin. EU‐Russia cross‐border cooperation in the 21 st century: turning marginality into competitive advantage. Regional Science Policy and Practice, In press, ⟨10.1111/rsp3.12316⟩. ⟨hal-02902279⟩

Nikolai Bobylev, Sébastien Gadal, M.O. Konovalova, Alexander Sergunin, Andrew Tronin, et al.. Ранжирование Регионов Арктической Зоны Российской Федерации По Индексу Экологической Безопасности. Север и Рынок: формирование экономического порядка, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, 69 (3), pp.17-40. ⟨10.37614/2220-802X.2.2020.69.002⟩. ⟨hal-03044962⟩


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Équipe scientifique

Porteur du projet

Sébastien GADAL

Participants UMR ESPACE

Sébastien GADAL

Partenaires extérieurs

Saint-Petersburg State University (SPbU)

North Eastern Federal University (NEFU)

[2018-2015] RSF OTOLAND / « Land ontology: Semantics, Semiotics, and Geographic Modeling »

Porteur du projet :
Sébastien Gadal

RSF OTOLAND [2015-2018]

ContratRussian Science Foundation (RSF)

Co-contractantRSF 15-18-20047 Land Ontology: Semantics, Semiotics, and Geographic Modeling

Contrats de recherche financés

Land Ontology: Semantics, Semiotics, and Geographic Modeling

Programme de recherche porté par Sébastien Gadal (Professeur, Aix-Marseille Université, UMR 7300 ESPACE)

Objectifs du projet

From ancient times, the conceptual exploration of space by people has been conducted through the understanding of all-natural objects filling the space, as well as the phenomena and events associated with a particular landscape. At present, with the exploration of the northern and Arctic areas, especially relevant are becoming the existing practices of a balanced man-nature interaction, which is manifested through the ethnic and cultural landscape in human-environment co-evolution. Due to its active use in business and daily activities, the geographical terminology makes one of the most important components of a dialect vocabulary. The study of semantics and semiotics of the landscape nomination on the material of indigenous languages of North-East of Russia (Yakutia, in particular) provides an opportunity to compare different ideas about the natural world, to reveal the trends in vision, representation, and use of the surrounding landscape. The exploration of the vast territory of Yakutia with its variety of landscapes by indigenous peoples took place in different historical periods. Besides, each ethnic group, adapting to the surrounding landscape, occupied their niche – their own ethnic and cultural landscape without competition with others. Every ethnic group, inhabiting the region, elaborated its system of geographical terms, the semantic content of which is determined not only by features of the landscape but also by a lifestyle and economy. Cross-language contacts also played a significant role in the formation of the geographical vocabulary of various languages in the region. The issue of local spaces representation in the mind is studied by various disciplines: psychology, architecture and urbanism, geography, neuropsychology, and cognitive linguistics, to a certain extend.

However, no one has considered the interaction of a verbal text and a mental map, as well as the transfer of spatial values in interpersonal communication. Therefore, it seems that when referring to the issue of mental representation of the local landscape in folklore studies, through the prism of verbal descriptions, we cannot restrict ourselves to results obtained in one of these disciplines, only. One of the areas of the research, aimed at a comprehensive study of the local space’s representation, is to use satellite images as images of the landscape space for creating mental maps. The academic significance of the project is dictated by the interdisciplinary approach to the study of landscape, namely the widespread use of methods applied both in liberal arts (linguistics, folklore studies, semiotics, sociology, ethnography, archaeology, history, etc.) and natural sciences (geography, physics, computer science, space technologies). A comprehensive study of the ontology of the landscape, features of modeling and exploring landscapes typical of northern ethnic groups, the conceptual understanding of the landscape and its representation in the consciousness and culture will be held in the light of technological advances, namely with the use of GIS technology, remote sensing, and satellite imagery of the landscape.



Sébastien Gadal, Moisei Zakharov, Jūratė Kamičaitytė, Yuri Danilov. Alas Landscape Modeling by Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Geographic Ontology. Study case of Central Yakutia (Russia). 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Sytems Theory, Applications and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal/IPS; Knowledge Systems Institute; ATHENA Research & Innovation Information Technologies, May 2020, Online Streaming, Portugal. pp.112-118, ⟨10.5220/0009569101120118⟩. ⟨hal-02554659

Jūratė Kamičaitytė, Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė, Sébastien Gadal. Role of Multicultural Identity in Landscape Perception and Methodological Possibilities of Its Interdisciplinary Analysis. Landscape Architecture and Art, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2020, 15, pp.65-74. ⟨10.22616/j.landarchart.2019.15.07⟩. ⟨hal-02542159

Viktoriya Filippova, Antonina Savvinova, Yuri Danilov, Sébastien Gadal, Jūratė Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė. The Study of Cultural Landscapes of Central Yakutia for the Development of Scientific Tourism. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, 2018, 21 (4), pp.5-16. ⟨10.5755/j01.sace.21.4.19501⟩. ⟨hal-01716691

Sébastien Gadal. Smart Campus, Smart Cities: A new Urban Ontology. I I ФОРУМ УНИВЕРСИТЕТСКИХ ГОРОДОВ « ЭНЕРГИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТА ДЛЯ РАЗВИТИЯ ГОРОДА И РЕГИОНА » – « Leveraging University Vitally for Urban & Regional Development », Tomsk State University, Nov 2017, Tomsk, Russia. ⟨hal-01817058

Sébastien Gadal, Zanetta Degteva, Yuri Danilov. Spatial Organisation of the Traditional Cultural Landscape of the Evenks (Example of South Yakutia). 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017, Aug 2017, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.89-96, ⟨10.5593/sgemsocial2017/22/S06.012⟩. ⟨hal-01660211⟩

Moisei Zakharov, Viktoriya Filippova, Antonina Savvinova, Kyunney Pestereva, Sébastien Gadal. Recognition of Landscape ‘ Structures by Toponymical Map and Remote Sensing Analysis (Khangalassky district, Yakutia). IX Arctic Congress in Social Sciences (ICASS IX): « People and Place », Jun 2017, Umea, Sweden. ⟨hal-01816634

Sébastien Gadal. Territorial and Landscapes Development in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions: Example of Yakutia. Государственное управление и развитие России: вызовы и возможности – Public Administration and Development of Russia: Challenges and Opportunities, The Russian Presidential Academy for the Economy and the Public Administration, May 2017, Moscow, Russia. ⟨hal-01816656⟩

Sébastien Gadal, Jūratė Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė. Landscape Ontology of Arctic Yakutia: An Interdisciplinary Spatial Approach. IX International Arctic Congress in Social Sciences (ICASS IX): « People and Place », Umea University, Jun 2017, Umea, Sweden. ⟨hal-01816616⟩

Sébastien Gadal. Challenges of the Geospatial Environmental Monitoring and Modelling of Possible Geographic Change Scenarios (Example of the Aral Sea). VIIIe Nevsky International Ecological Congress: « Environmental Education – A Clean Country », The Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS) – The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, May 2017, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. ⟨hal-01816601⟩

Antonina Savvinova, Viktoriya Filippova, Sébastien Gadal. Географические названия как индикаторы климатических условий района Оймякон (случай исследование колд топонима семантика). Успехи современной науки, Клюев Сергей Васильевич, 2016, 4 (9), pp.160-164. ⟨hal-01386951

Jurate Kamicaityte-Virbasiene, Sébastien Gadal. Development of Interdisciplinary Approach in Studies of Landscape Ontology. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016, Aug 2016, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.307-312, ⟨10.5593/SGEMSOCIAL2016/B43/S15.037⟩. ⟨hal-01401147⟩

Antonina Savvinova, Viktoriya Filippova, Sébastien Gadal. Multi-Temporal Maps as a Source for Studying the Image of Yakutia. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016, Aug 2016, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.449-456, ⟨10.5593/SGEMSOCIAL2016/B32/S10.057⟩. ⟨hal-01401148⟩

Elena Totonova, Sébastien Gadal. Sustainable Tourism Development as the Basis of Arctic Landscape Conservation (Case of Ust-Lenskiy Protected Aera) in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Russia. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016, Aug 2016, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.663-670, ⟨10.5593/SGEMSOCIAL2016/B25/S07.087⟩. ⟨hal-01401149⟩

Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Sébastien Gadal, Viktoriya Filippova, Marianna Samsonova. Landscape Toponymic Maps: Interdisciplinary Approach (Example of Sakha Republic, Russia). International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference SGEM2016, Jun 2016, Albena, Bulgaria. pp.311-318, ⟨10.5593/SGEM2016/B23/S11.040⟩. ⟨hal-01546124⟩

Kunnei Pestereva, Marianna Samsonova, Anna Ikonnikova, Sébastien Gadal. Toponyms of Multicultural Environment as a Source of Information about the History of the Development of the Central Yakutia. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2016, Aug 2016, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.587-592, ⟨10.5593/SGEMSOCIAL2016/B32/S10.076⟩. ⟨hal-01401146⟩

Sébastien Gadal. Geospatial Monitoring of Yakutsk City and Exposure Vulnerability Modeling of Flooding’s. Cities and People: Local Solutions for Sustainable Development, Municipality of Yakutsk, Jun 2016, Yakutsk, Russia. ⟨hal-01819292⟩

Marianna Samsonova, Sébastien Gadal, Liudmila Zamorshchikova. Environmental Education: The Case of International Double Master Diploma in Tourism between Russian and French Universities. Public recreation and landscape protection 2016, May 2016, Brno, Czech Republic. pp.47-51. ⟨hal-01348497⟩

Svetlana Ivanova, Sébastien Gadal, Antonina Savvinova. Комплексная оценка туристического потенциала территории, прилегающей к дороге « Колыма » (на примере Центральной Якутии). АРКТИКА. XXI век. Гуманитарные науки, North Eastern Federal University, 2016, 8 (2), pp.16-25. ⟨halshs-01392881


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Équipe scientifique

Porteur du projet

Sébastien GADAL

Participants UMR ESPACE

Sébastien GADAL

Partenaires extérieurs

North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU)